Sunday, March 2, 2014

Twitter: Social Networking

This week was full of all kinds of networking online!! All of this networking took place in one great place: Twitter. I have always loved Twitter and its' purpose, but after this week I have an entire new found love for it: networking. Twitter is a great way to stay connected with friends and family, but it is also a great way to build your PLN and make connections with educators or professionals from all around.  This week I learned a lot of things about Twitter that I did not know existed. For example, you can follow different professional/educational conversations! It is a great way to connect with others and learn about different topics. Another is TweetDeck for Google Chrome. It is an Ap through Google that displays different columns that you want to follow. I followed one called #IAEdChat. By following this, I could see all tweets that have that hashtag in it. I also following #EdCampIA because I will be attending this conference next week and want to know what people are saying about it.

If you are new to Twitter, there are four main steps you need to follow to use it successfully:

1. Create a Profile
2. Follow meaningful people, organizations, and #hashtags. 
3. Interact: participate in conversations, reply to posts, and retweet posts. 
4. Use #hastags, but not too many, so you can be brought together in chats. 

If you are struggling to find people or hashtags to follow, here is a link that will take you to important tweeters and hashtags that will make a difference: Twitter 101!

Like I said earlier, one topic that I followed was #IAEdchat. This chat was all about the exceptional learners and how we can help make all students successful. Just through watching and participating in the conversation, I learned new ways that I can work with students to give them all the opportunity to learn! There were many links posted and ideas thrown out there from people all around. I saw people post ways to adapt your classroom, lessons, or even parents working with their students at home. Here is one blog that was posted that helped me understand the struggling learner. To me, this twitter chat was awesome! It lead me to so many links and ideas for my future classroom. Will I participate in Twitter chats in the future? Absolutely! It was extremely helpful and I would encourage others to do so. I am excited to see what it will be like to follow other professional conversations. The internet has so many ideas/learning point out there that we can use to help us be successful educators. Twitter chats will be in my future and I hope yours too. 

I would encourage you and your friends to get involved in Twitter chats and networking, to build your PLN. You can make professional connections and learn so much, just by the click of a button. Some people that I follow that are great at providing information are @Newsela, @IowaCommNetwork, @coolcatteacher, and @flourishingkids. I follow these people because they provide me with up to date information that I can use in my classroom or help be a successful teacher. If you are not an educator, you can easily search "people to follow on Twitter for __" in Google. You will find tons. I highly encourage you to follow Newsela. It is a source that has many literacy articles for you or your students that are up to date and can be used for different levels of readers.

Twitter is definitely a great place to go for help, learning, and fun. It will help you be successful and build a PLN that is meaningful. GO OUT AND START TWEETING! :) 

Find me on Twitter at @Breannakb

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