Saturday, March 8, 2014

Remixing Classrooms

This week, I had the opportunity to do some research on remixing the classroom. I chose to research this because I had no idea what it was and it sounded very interesting. When I think of remixing something, I think of taking music and changing it to sound like something you like and you think others will. That is how I like to think of remixing the classroom/curriculum; changing the content into something that you like and think will benefit others.  If you are like me, before I said this word, you probably had never heard it and are wondering: but what exactly is remixing? Well, to me, remixing is when you are being creative and innovative. It is when teachers take traditional content and make it their own: new, exciting, and online. Teachers are able to pull material from many different sites that they think will benefit their classroom the most. One of the best parts is it will most likely be FREE.

What does remixing mean for teachers?
First, and foremost, it means that teachers have the ability to creat a curriculum that is digital. They can pull many different contexts from the web. That is also why it may be free. Teachers can choose to use many sites that give you great articles, ideas, and contexts that are free! It also allows teachers to pull many different sources into one. I like to call that "mashing." They are taking a bunch of different contexts and putting it into one, having the ability to decide what will benefit your students most. Lastly, they can combine media with text, giving it a new and interactive meaning. This will let the students be engaged and be more likey to learn the content. 

What does remixing mean for students?
One of the best parts of remixing your classroom is you can choose what will engage your students. The design of remixing is much more interactive, allowing your students to be engaged and want to learn through things like animations, simulations, videos, and graphics. Remixing for students also means that their learning will be able to move beyond the classroom walls. Assuming, if you are remixing, you are 1:1, students have great opportunities to continue learning at home and with their families. 

So, what are the benefits to remixing?
There are many benefits to remixing your classroom and curriculum. First, education becomes FREE: textbook materials and learing devices are found online. For example, Khan Academy. Another benefit is that students will definitely be more engaged. Like I said before, there will be animations, simulations, videos, graphics and texts. These different forms of interactions will differentiate between many students, allowing them all to find ways to learn. Remixing also broadens teachers horizons. It allows them to provide up to date information. Finally, it goes back to collaborating online through communities. Teachers can form different learning communities and be active in them, allowing them to learn from other educators. They can share different materials that will benefit the students. 

Are there any down falls of remixing?
I would not call them down falls, but obstacles. There are a few obstacles that many teachers may run into when trying to remix their classroom. First is time. It may take teachers a lot of time to put together their new "classroom," but if the teacher is willing to do this, the students will benefit much more. Second is the digital divide. Some students may not have access to internet or a device. The easiest way this can be solved is by in class work or having a 1:1 classroom. From that would be cost. Schools have to be willing to pay for devices and also better connections. They want the broadband to be able to successfully work for all students at one time. Lastly, file viewing. Depending on what device the students have, certain files may not be able to be used. For example, if you download something from the AP store, it will only work on devices with ios. 

Remixing is important to keep our students engaged and up to date.
One thing we have to remember is that our students live in a digital world. They are working with, creating with, and learning with technology. The importance of using and modeling with content from the web is huge; it will help our students engagement and capabilities to learn. I love the idea of remixing the classroom if you have the ability and tools to do so! 


And I will leave you with a thought to ponder...Our students are living in a digital world. 

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