Monday, April 28, 2014

CI 302: Final Reflection

  • CI 302 has probably been the most beneficial technology course that I have taked at Iowa State. It has really made me think about technology, its importance, what our world is becoming, and the importance of integrating technology into our curriculums. CI 302 has also challenged me to think about what I want for my own classroom, with and without technology. Through writing grants, reflecting on concepts, attending conferences, experimenting with many tools, learning about tools I had not hear of, and collaborating with other teachers, I have learned concepts that I will take with me forever. These concepts and skills have helped me develop and become a better teacher. What I have learned did not only have to do with the importance of technology, but the importance of the students' education and what part I want to be in it. These skills will last forever and I know that I do not want to stop learning and growing. 
  • Learning about technology has benefited me in many ways. I have become better at reflecting, collaborating, and integrating. I also have learned many different ways to effectively do this by using TPACK or SAMR, and making sure technology is enhancing the students' learning in the lesson. I think that the integration of technology is becoming "must" for education. Our world is going very digital. Everything our students are doing is taking place on the web or within a technology tool. This is why it is important for us to grow with the students, integrate technology, engage them through technology, and help them be successful now and in their future. Technology is going to help diverse learners in many ways. Teachers can use technology to benefit every student. Teachers can easily find ways to use technology for differentiation and engagement of all students. Overall, teaching with technology is going to to benefit the students in more ways than one: in the classroom, moving outside the classroom, and into their futures. 
  • Like I have said over and over again, CI 302 has introduced me to the importance of technology integration and how it can be used to benefit our students' lives. As a future educator, I hope and plan to use technology in my classroom. CI 302 has shown me hundred of different tools I can use that include websites and applications. Knowing these tools will help me enhance my lessons with technology integration. SAMR and TPACK will also help guide me into creating lessons and activities for my students where the technology enhances the lesson and is at the correct developmental level for students. I know that when I am a teacher, I will use many of the concepts taught in this class and at EDCAMP (a conference I attended early in the Spring semester). Technology is the future for us and our students. There is no better way to accept it than to engage and promote it. 
  • CI 302 has provided me with many experiences to learn in different ways. I was able to attend a conference, where I learned from many educators and administrators about teaching and technology. I also was able to work on collaborating with my peers, while working towards a common goal. This allowed me to work on collaboration skills and compormise. Another thing that was great about CI 302 was that it introduced me to MANY different tools to use in my classroom. I love learning about different ideas that I could use and implement into my future classroom that will benefit my students and me. Overall, this was one of my favorite technology courses at Iowa State. Jamie, my proffessor, taught me so much, was very flexible, fun, engaging, and knowledgable, and I admire her for all of that. One thing that I believe would have helped me in the course is working on Grants together. Although time did not allow us to do this, and I think we would have if we could have, I would have loved to work on my Grant in class. This would have allowed my group to get feedback and answers. Even though we could not do that, Jamie did allow us to send her our Grant and get feedback. Within the course, this was the only feedback I have to give. I loved taking CI 302 with Jamie, and I hope she is there for other future teachers to help instruct them in their future.
Technology will help engage your students, enhance their learning, and prepare them for their future!

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