Monday, January 27, 2014

TPACK for a Future Educator

TPACK is a framework that all of us technology lovers know as Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. This was created for teachers to be able to understand the importance of combining all three of these aspects into the classroom. TPACK is used to suggest that teachers "use curriculum-specific, technology enhanced learning activity types as the building blocks for instructional planning" (Harris, J., & Hofer, M. 2009). The diagram used to represent TPACK will help anyone in need of understanding. Here is one of my favorite diagrams to help you understand!!


 As future educators, it is very important for us to understand TPACK. This framework is there for us technology lovers who want/have the opportunity to use technology in the classroom. Like I talked about in my previous blog, we do not want to base out lessons on the technology we have; we want to use technology as a tool to help support our lessons. TPACK can help you with this. It will help educators manage their 21st century classrooms by focusing on good learning theories that can be supported by technology. For example, I want my students to understand the importance of technology and be able to use it successfully. Once they can do that, I will know that they can handle using it and I can incorporate technology tools into my curriculum.


The above image is one that I like to use to help others understand TPACK. It is a great image that has different ideas and connections to how teachers can use the TPACK framework. 

How will TPACK impact you and me as future educators?
TPACK is very important for the future success for our students. I plan to use the TPACK framework if I have access to technology tools. Using technology in a successful way will help our students be engaged and creative! If we can help our students with this, they will be more successful in their future. Technology is a key piece of our evolving world and it is going to help our students and ourselves. TPACK can help us frame our classrooms in a way that students can be involved and engaged while we are constantly differentiating. I believe that understanding TPACK will give a a niche in the education world; we will be able to help others understand and use it too! Although there are many positive things that come from TPACK, it does take work. You will have to help your students understand internet safety and how to be eithical using it. You will also have to make sure your students understand when the appropriate time to use these tools are. Finally, the teacher has to know when to use it too. Although we have the opportunity to use technology, we still have to remember, our first priority is the kids and helping them grow into young, successful learners!

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